My name is Ryan Dunn, and I'm the guy behind TEN Effects. I've been building effect pedals for nearly 15 years.

I started out as a Network Engineer, many, many years ago... I worked for Netscape (before it got gobbled up by AOL), Studio Archetype (before it got gobbled up by Sapient), and a number of other companies in Silicon Valley.

I've played guitar since I was a kid, and I even toyed with building guitars back in the early 90's, but it wasn't until my late 20's that I started playing around with electronics. I was living in Mountain View, CA, and I ran across an early 60's Fender Princeton... it was trashed, looked terrible, sounded terrible, it was just terrible. But it was dirt cheap so I bought it with the intention of fixing it up (click here to read the story).

Well, that did it - I caught the electronics bug. From there I went on to effect pedals, old radios, pretty much anything I could get my hands on. In the last 15 years I've built thousands of guitar effects and around 50 different amplifiers.

Along the way, I've made every mistake there is, and if it weren't truly a labor of love, I probably would have gone back to the tech world a long time ago... But I just can't help it - I love building pedals. I love the design phase, I love the testing phase, and I love hearing the music that is made with something I created. I've also been lucky enough to meet some really amazing people... some of them are bona fide rock stars, and some of them are the best players you've never heard of... but I treasure every single relationship that has developed as a result of being in this business.

When you contact TEN Effects, you're contacting me, and I'll do my very best to respond in a timely manner. If you don't hear back from me right away, just give me another shout.

Each TEN Effects pedal is made by me, and only me. I design the circuit, I test it, I assemble the boards. I sand and polish the boxes, and then I burnish the surfaces by hand, treating each one like the work of art it is, because I want your experience to be perfect, and that means my product has to exceed your expectations. Every unit gets my full attention, and my only hope is that you love it as much as I do.

All Images and content Copyright © 2015 TEN Effects
Artist images Copyright © the respective owners. All images obtained via public domain. If an image has been used in error, please contact us at